Music connects / Aid for those affected by the war in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine and the suffering of the people there and on the run is also on our minds at Woolwind. There are a number of reasons for this, some of which have to do with Woolwind directly, others with us as the people behind Woolwind.

On the one hand, our tailcoats are tailored by a company in western Ukraine with which our manufacturer Greiff cooperates. We are in regular contact and hope very much that our current and future orders can continue to be processed there, because we know how important their work, the associated income and the appreciation of their skills are to the employees there. Although our warehouse and thus also our customers will have to wait a little longer for one or the other item, we want to support the team in Ukraine through trusting cooperation.

On the other hand, we have a very international client base and, in conversations with musicians, get to see first-hand how much this conflict moves the orchestra scene. Benefit concerts, appeals for donations and countless stories about the fates of musicians' families bear witness to this.

Last but not least, we as the team behind Woolwind are in contact with committed people and institutions who are active in our region, but also directly in Ukraine, some of whom have been active for years.

We are convinced that help takes many forms. We also try to help where we can and support Nehemia Team in Fürth, for example.

Nehemia Team is a non-profit development organisation from Fürth, which was founded 35 years ago in Fürth (headquarters at Rudolf Breitscheid-Str.27, 90762 Fürth) and now carries out a wide variety of aid projects in 10 countries, primarily for disadvantaged children and young people.

You can find more detailed information here:

If you would like to support us with a donation, you can do so here:

DONATION ACCOUNT: nehemia team e.V.

BANK: IBAN: DE32 7625 0000 0380 0729 18

Intended purpose: Ukraine

Or by donation link at PAYPAL